Let’s talk about dieting for a second. If you are trying to lose fat it’s going to be a lot different than if you are just looking to maintain what you have. Most noticeable will be maintaining your weight is not that bad and can be enjoyable at times, cheat meals once or twice a week, eating a good amount of food.
Trying to lose fat however should not be enjoyable, there will be no cheat meals ever!
You need to understand that if you are trying to lose fat it is not forever, maintenance is.
I think this is a big misunderstanding so maybe if you focus on the fat loss being temporary it will make it easier to get through.
Once you are where you want to be then you can start your maintenance program.
Bench Press
3 Drop Sets
10o Double Unders
80 Swings 70/55
60 Cal Row
40 Push ups
20 Ground To Overhead @165/115
10 Bar Muscle Ups