This Sunday the 13th is the Grand Opening/ Charity Party, we’ll be starting somewhere around 10am.
I got food from Testarossa.
We are going with the patriotic theme do the Veterans day and the Election year!
So wear Red White and Blue to celebrate! Bring anyone you want, Except Crappy people I hate Crappy people.
Get your friends and family to come.
Post this shit on Social media, I mean I know I’m the king of Social Media but I can use a little help.
If you haven’t signed up for the Fat Truck yet there are still spot open, so get in the truck and know your Fat Percentage it’s worth it. Every time he comes theres always someone who says “Damn I shoulda done it”
Here’s the new Logo, yes we changed it for good this time:
It’s the one on the right, I couldn’t get the other one off the screen.
Amrap Double Unders in 5 minutes
Power Snatch
Find your 1 Rep Max
3 Rounds
Run 400
21 Swings @55/35 (Overhead)
12 Pull ups