Crossfit Syosset/ Monday, February 26th

Amrap 7 min
15 Swings 55/35
50 Double under
-Rest 3 min-
Amrap 7 min
15 Devil’s Press 35/20
50 Double under
-Rest 3 min-
Amrap 7 min
15 DB Thruster 35/20
50 Double under
There’s no lift today so don’t even ask me.
Listen to me with this fuckin food thing.
First of all, you need to understand why you’re eating, it’s for no other reason than to feed your body the amount of calories it needs to survive, recover, fight disease and fight the constant bombardment of inflammation it receives from you feeding it shit food! That’s fuckin it. You’re not eating because you love the taste of something. If you love the taste of it, you probably shouldn’t be eating it. Although a steak tastes good there’s only so much you can eat.
This is how you have to think. You have to think of eating as filling up your car with gas, it’s your fuel, give it the best source of fuel as possible.
Don’t fall into the trap of always trying to find foods that you think are ok, fuck variety! Eat the same fuckin thing all the time, day in and day out.
It’s simple, it’s really really simple.
Eat meat, chicken, fish, eggs and vegetables.
That’s it, you don’t need extra fat if you’re eating steak and eggs. You think if you add an avocado you’re going to magically lose weight faster cause they beat it into your head that avocado’s are a good fat? They’re still calories and if you eat more calories than your body needs to do all that shit I mentioned up top, you’re gonna get fat.
Let’s go. I’ve written this 1,000 fucking times. When it is going to sink in.
There’s no magic to this. These people you see that have great looking bodies doesn’t happen magically, they eat well, all the fucking time.
They do the same exact thing everyone else is capable of doing. The difference is, they do it.

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