Back Squat
5 x 5 @50%
Three seconds down, pause for 1 second then drive up quickly. This is not a race, focus on moving slowly through each rep.
The weight is light so you can do this correctly. Count the 3 seconds slowly and make sure you pause for 1 second at the bottom.
You should be bracing from the start and holding that tightness throughout each rep. Make sure you are staying braced at the bottom and while driving up.
This is important for your spine. I feel like some of you ignore this, Don’t!
Row 1,000 meters
50 Thrusters @45/35
30 Pull ups
Try and finish under 10 minutes
If you do this quickly, even with an empty barbell you’ll be fuckin shot. If you dawdle around, I guess you won’t be shot.
Shout out to everyone who crushed the Cow Harbor race this past weekend.
These guys trained several months for this run. That’s a lot of dedication, especially for those who don’t run or rather just hate running in general.
Fuckin Awesome!
Nick takes up a lot of space in the pictures. He did well cause everyone in front of him didn’t want to get crushed and got the fuck out of the way.
Congrats to all of you!