
Crossfit Makes you Strong

Alex and I started doing CrossFit 10 years ago at the age of 40. Alex has a gymnastics background and I have ballet background. We both were blessed with effortlessly thin bodies for much of our lives, but both felt like our bodies started changing as we hit our 40s. We started doing CrossFit 3-4… Read more “Crossfit Makes you Strong”

Lauren Emr

Changing my Body the Way I Like

CrossFit is the first addictive sport that is also changing my body the way I like so I’ll definitely do it.   It’s really common to hear that lifting weights makes you bigger, and this mental approach keeps away a lot of women to everything that is heavier than 15 lbs. I was totally convinced… Read more “Changing my Body the Way I Like”

Chaima Bachari

The Closest Thing to the Magic Bullet

There is no magic bullet for skinny & fit – but there is Crossfit and it’s the closest thing you will find. I have tried every diet and workout craze. I’ve belonged to corporate gyms, NY Sports Club, Equinox, kickboxing gyms, yoga centers. I’ve had private trainers and countless spin session at Soul Cycle and… Read more “The Closest Thing to the Magic Bullet”

Paulina Gigante

A Lifestyle

People often ask me “What do you do?” My response: “Huh? Who me? What do you mean?” “What do you do to look like that? You must not have any kids.” Me: “I’ve got two kids.” “You must not work.” Me: “I have a full time job.” “You must go to the gym every day.”… Read more “A Lifestyle”

Jenn Costanzo

My Confidence Has Skyrocketed!

I’ve always been active and athletic but never realized I was capable of so much more until I started doing CrossFit.  It is so empowering to be able lift heavy weights, do pull-ups, climb a rope etc.  Crossfit is just part of my life, it’s what I do and there no negotiations when it comes… Read more “My Confidence Has Skyrocketed!”

Michelle March

Crossfit is My Therapy

I joined Crossfit a little over a year ago despite the rumors that you will get big and get hurt. After being diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis I knew I had to change my workout routine and try to Challenge my body. I couldn’t stand going to the gym for over an hour, bored and not… Read more “Crossfit is My Therapy”

Michelle Ronen
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