A. Run 400
2 sets:
1 min Goblet squat hold
Squat sit and reach x 10
KB Side lunge x 10
Side Planks :30 ea.
Single leg Glute bridge x 10
Seated Hip Raise lift over KB x 10
B. Back Squat
Five sets x 5 reps :03 eccentric/ :02 pause @50-60% (if you squatted last week, add 5 lbs.)
Work off your partner for rest
Your only rest is when your partner is going
C. 21-15-9
Cal Bike
Pull up
I’m curious, who has actually made meat, eggs, chicken, fish and green veggies the cornerstone of their diet?
Anyone? Or are we still stuck on Bread and Grains being at the top of the pyramid?
This is not difficult at all. It’s really not, it wouldn’t be such an impossibility if the only nutritional information out there was just that, meat, chicken, fish, eggs and green veggies. But, it’s not.
They try to make you feel like eating well is one of the hardest things to do because if we all ate well and exercised people wouldn’t be spending so much money on the the shit in the middle of the grocery store. Ya know, the aisles you’re not supposed to be in, the aisles that have chemicals and sugar in attractive looking boxes with children’s cartoon characters on them.
That’s fuckin ridiculous when you think about that, what a fuckin manipulation.
It’s morally ok to manipulate little kids into eating shit? Of course it is, how else are we going to get people addicted to sugar if we don’t indoctrinate them at a young age?
That’s a conversation in the Kellogg’s board room.
Here’s how the rest of the conversation went …
Fred: But how are we goin to get the kids to try the cereal?
Boss man: We’re gonna put a giant fuckin rabbit on the box and call it Trix, kids will go crazy over the rabbit while the parents poison them.
Fred: But, why would the parents to buy the cereal if they know it’s crap?
Boss man: Here we go again, Fred, I’ve told you in the past, parents don’t want to cook for their kids, they would rather something convenient, like cereal!
Use your fuckin head, Fred!
It’s all a big fuckin game as long as we sell millions of boxes of cereal, I couldn’t give two fucks what happens to the kids.
Archie! Get in here and straighten Fred’s mind out, he’s gonna get us all in trouble with upper management if he keeps up with this nonsense.
This is true, I overheard it when I was working in the corporate sector, back in Atlanta circa 1979, Cereal marketing manipulation division.
Stay out of the middle aisles, they’re forbidden for anyone of any age.