Chris Isernio

Crossfit Syosset/ Wednesday, July 24th


Three sets:
With a Kettlebell
Halo 10 each direction
Around the World 10 each direction
Shoulder Press 5 each arm
Lunge in rack position 5 each side
Windmill 5 each side
Use your core to move the weight on the halo’s and ATW’s.
Your core should be moving opposite the bell.

10 Min EMOM
10 Swings each minute
10 Min EMOM
10 Swings
Don’t do the same weight everyday, as the weight feels more manageable increase it, Doy.
This ain’t rocket science, use your head.
What do you want for an ass, granite or adipose tissue?
And perform every rep with intensity don’t just throw the kettlebell around haphazardly.

Every 3 minutes complete:
50 Double’s
5 Deadlift @315/205
20 V-ups
Repeat for 5 rounds
If you can’t do Double Unders do something comparable to the intensity and the amount of time it would take to do 50 double’s which would be around 30-50 seconds.
If you can’t do 5 deadlifts at the Rx weight, do the most weight you can do for 5 consecutive reps.
If you can’t do 20 V-ups straight through, do what you can straight through. Maybe it’s 10 V-ups and 10 sit ups.
The point is to keep moving through the workout without stopping.
Don’t sit there suffering through the workout at a slow pace cause you went to heavy.

Crossfit Syosset/ Wednesday, July 24th Read More »

Crossfit Syosset/ Tuesday, July 23rd


Three sets:
With a Kettlebell
Halo 10 each direction
Around the World 10 each direction
Shoulder Press 5 each arm
Windmill 5 each side

-rest 3 minutes-

10 Min EMOM
10 Swings each minute

-rest 3 minutes-

In three minutes complete:
Row 500/400 meters
Amrap wall ball shots.
– Rest 2 minutes_
Five rounds total
If it takes you 2 minutes to Row, you will have 1 minute left to do max rep wall balls.
Keep track of your wall balls.
Try for 15-20 each round.

Ya know what’s nice to see?
No one has let themselves go just because it’s Summertime.
If anything, I would say you have all gotten better over the Summer.
Everyone’s seems to have stayed pretty focused on their nutrition.
It used to be the opposite.
Everyone would fall apart over the Summer, I never understood that.
Not only have you been impressing me with your nutrition, but your lifting technique has also been quite impressive.
That’s good, it’s nice to know you give a fuck.

Crossfit Syosset/ Tuesday, July 23rd Read More »

Crossfit Syosset/ Monday, July 22nd


Back Squat
20 reps
Add 10 lbs from last week
These should be starting to get a little difficult.
You see it’s fucking exhausting when you’re done, right?
This is why we do all 20 reps straight through without returning the bar to the rack and resting.
What’s so hard to understand about that.
You do not put the bar back on the rack until you’re done with the 20 reps or you failed trying to get the 20 reps.
What you do not do is four sets of 5 reps or two sets of 10 reps, I never said that, ever.
So stop doing that. If you are going to do them, do them right.


Complete 8 rounds of 20/10 for each exercise with a minute rest between each
1. Bike
2. Pull ups
3. Push ups (if you choose dips and you do half dips, do push ups)
4. Sit ups

Crossfit Syosset/ Monday, July 22nd Read More »

Crossfit Syosset/ Friday, July 18th


10 x 10 EMOM
Yes, we are doing swings everyday till everyone has granite for an ass

Every :90 for 6 sets total
Power Snatch + OHS +
Hang Power Snatch + OHS
Increase weight every 2 sets


8 sets
10/8 Calorie Bike
8 Burpee Box Jump overs (jump over the box)
10/8 Calorie Row
Rest 1:1 b/t sets
Get through the set as quickly as possible and rest equal time

Crossfit Syosset/ Friday, July 18th Read More »

Crossfit Syosset/ Wednesday, July 17th


Superset the two every 3 minutes for 15 minutes
Dumbbell Bench Press
Dumbbell Pullovers
The first four sets complete 6-10 reps for each exercise increasing weight each set.
The fifth increase the weight on the bench and complete as many reps till failure, then drop the weight twice completing as many reps till failure for each drop.


Row 10 x 250/200 meter sprints with :90 rest between sets
Set up the monitor on the rower for this.
Sprint each row as quickly as possible maintaining form and range of motion.

Crossfit Syosset/ Wednesday, July 17th Read More »

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