Crossfit Syosset/ Friday, December 30th

It’s almost New Year’s Day!
That means a whole new year. That means New Year’s resolutions, right?
For most people that means making fitness goal’s that will never come to fruition.
Not only will they not come to fruition, these goals won’t even get started! This is the normal behavior of most people.
You should be proud as fuck that you do the kind of shit people dream of doing after New Year’s, yet never take place. Not only do you do it, but you do it every fucking day! That’s crazy, people can’t even get started training in general!
Be proud of that shit!

12 Min Amrap
1 Squat Snatch135/95
3 Clean and Jerks 135/95
30 Double Unders

4 rounds
12 DB Prone Row
10 Seated tricep DB OH Extension
12 Single arm band lat pulldown
10 Single arm DB kickback (ea. arm)
Rest as needed between rounds

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