Crossfit Syosset/ Thursday, May 9th

5 Rounds
Row 500
15 Wall Ball 20/14
Run 400
15 Swings 55/35

How fuckin sick is this photo or Stephanie!

The sickest part is that Stephanie is pretty much the same exact weight in both pictures.
Isn’t that crazy? Do you know how difficult this is? If it wasn’t so difficult everyone would be doing it.
This is not only making sure you train consistently, but most importantly eating well consistently.
This is so rare, very few people experience it
What an incredible transformation! Steph must feel absolutely amazing.
There’s nothing better than reaching your goal of how you want to look, absolutely nothing.
Congratulations Steph!!!
Have you heard something like this before??
Something like, “stop weighing yourself every fucking day cause weight means nothing”.
Sound familiar?
You’ve seen this woman at the gym, some of you even have the pleasure of knowing her.
When you see someone who does it, does that make you feel any different?
Besides being a wonderful human, Steph is a regular person just like the rest of us.
The only difference is Steph chose to change, that’s it, ain’t no difference other than she chose to change.
Crazy, how it seems so simple but for some reason it’s so difficult to accomplish.
It’s difficult because of how we’ve been programmed to think. It’s no different than the dumb ass brainwashing that took place in the 80’s telling everyone “fat free” is the way to go!
Remember, Entenmann’s pushing all the fat free cakes, cookies and crap?
People fell for it for no other reason then because they said it was true. It’s ok, we all fall for it.
Change the way you think instead of thinking the way they want you to.

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