How is everyone doing with their nutrition? It’s not the easiest thing in the world, I know. Nothing actually worth doing is easy, but if it’s important enough to us we’ll make it happen. It may help if you control what you focus on. Some of us tend to focus on what we can’t have to eat and how that feels, making it much worse than it really is. When you have a weak moment and feel like you need to eat crap, change your focus. When you have those negative thoughts that drive you to eat poorly, change them. You’re the only one in control of “your” thoughts correct? You’re the only one putting those negative thoughts in your head, right? Then you can just as easily change them to focus on how great you will look and feel. Think of how much more you will be able to help your loved ones when you are in good health. Just a thought, if you wanted to give it a whirl.


15 Minutes to work up to a Heavy Jerk

Sit ups or GHD Sit up
Alternate DB Clean and Jerks 50/35
Double Unders or Double Singles
Air Squat

Run 200 Meters after each round so … 40 of everything then run, 30 of everything then run etc …

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