8 sets Every :90
1 Power snatch
1 Hang Power snatch
1 Overhead squat
Increase weight every 2 minutes
5K Row
While rowing focus on your technique, using your body as one powerful unit, starting with your legs into your body and then arms.
Think flow. Each stroke should flow through your body, not choppy.
Don’t be in a rush with your stroke count, focus more on getting every amount of power out of each pull. This may take a while, rushing back and forth on the rower isn’t the answer. The answer is making every stroke count moving slowly but methodically through the workout.
This isn’t just a physical challenge but a mental challenge as well.
Push yourself to get through the 5K, don’t just not do it. That’s easy, easy is a shitty way to live.
A good technique is to find a pace you are comfortable with, then every 250 meters, 500 meters, or whatever you choose, go as hard as you can for 10 strokes.
This helps a lot with getting those meters down.
So, for example every time you complete 250 meters you go hard for 10 pulls then back to your normal pace.
Remember, visualize yourself rowing on the water it helps. I know, you never rowed in the water before but you can visualize things, right?