Crossfit Syosset/ Friday, July 14th


10 Min Emom
Odd #’s: 1 Power Snatch + 2 OHS
Even #’s: 1 Squat snatch + 1 Hang power snatch
Increase weight every 2 min.
Deadlift 5 x 5 Start @70% and increase each set.
Focus on staying braced throughout and moving through the movement slowly


17 minute EMOM
1st min: Strict Pull up (use a band if you cannot perform pull ups for at least 30 seconds)
2nd min: Push Press @75/55
3rd min: Bike for calories
4th min: Swings @55/35
5th min: Burpee
Rest 1 min

Some of you have mentioned the workouts being a little lengthy.
Ya know what will shorten the workouts, if you start fucking eating healthy.
I’m just mimicking what people do. Eat shit and do long workouts to make up for eating shit.
It doesn’t work. Ya know what works? Eating healthy all the time, then you don’t have to murder yourself when you workout.
I feel like we’ve went over this before.
It’s the fucking summer, aren’t you supposed to at least eat well in the summer?
I can understand falling off a little in the winter, but the summer??
Once again, I’m confused.

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