Back Squat
20 reps adding 5 lbs from last week
Back Squat 5 x 5
Deadlift @225/155
Box Jump (30/24)
To continue from Friday, it’s really senseless to train hard and then not eat well.
Unless your reasoning for training is just to get strong and look heavy, why wouldn’t you try and do what you can to improve not only the way you look but also improve your performance all together?
How many of you have actually tried to eat well at least 80-90% of the time?
Have you even given it a shot, or just make excuses as to why you can’t?
Kosta sent me that V-shred guy on social media. Is that really all it takes to get people to believe you, just go on and spew a bunch of shit
to make people feel like you have some hidden secret to getting lean?
I’ve said this over and over again, it’s consistently eating well.
That’s the fucking secret, there ya go, consistently eat well! You’re welcome.
What’s the secret Hollywood uses? They eat well and workout, and i’m sure take some kind of PED to help the process move along a little quicker.
Here’s another secret. Ya know how to get fat? You consistently eat shit and train like a dud.
There ya go! I’m full of secrets today.
Here’s another one for ya, read this even if you don’t want to hear the truth. It will help in the end.