Crossfit Syosset/ Friday, Oct. 15th

Take 10 minutes several times a day to stop and relax.
Whether it be in your car, your office, your house or wherever you are, just stop.
Close your eyes and think about all the things in your life that you are grateful for, give yourself time to reset. Don’t let your day control your feelings and behavior, YOU control that shit.

Do this when things get overwhelming, when you feel anxious, or when fuck jobs on the road annoy you.
Every time you get upset at things and you see yourself going in a bad direction, stop.
You have control over this right, You can make yourself stop and think about what it is that makes you happy?

Do this repeatedly throughout the day and over time you will have created a habit.
Think about the amount of time you will spend thinking about how grateful you are for what you have over a months’s time.
Practicing this, say three times a day (which is absolutely doable) will add up too 15 hours a month of you only thinking about how grateful you are.
Think about how this can change your behavior.
Think about how this type of thinking will help you focus only on what is important in your life.
Think about how much more time you will dedicate to what is important to you.

Now think about how you would feel treating your body with the love it deserves by EATING WELL and FOCUSING ON WHAT MATTERS to you.

All this for 30 minutes a day. Seems a no brainer to me, but then again I still can’t understand going to the Dr. every year for a physical to prevent disease but then eating shit that will cause disease.
So maybe don’t go by me.

4 Sets 10 Reps
Barbell on your back 95/75


Row 1,000 meters
4 Rounds
10 Burpee
20 Sit up
10 Wall Ball
Row 100/80 Cal

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