Crossfit Syosset/ January 31st

The last post was November 9th, the day before this nightmare took place.
You may notice a slight change in my wording this time around, not grammar wise that is always horrible.
Although my phone updated itself and since then the phone fixes all my grammar issues, kinda like Nick would do.
I’m not going to bring up nutrition, i figure in the last 12 weeks you have gotten that issue under control.
Myself, I never realized how much less nutrition you need when you don’t move a muscle on your body for 2 months.
I keep saying I’ll be returning soon but when you feel physically threatened by the Golden Girls, it’s hard to go out of the house.
So, once i feel like I can hold my own in a fight with 90 year old blind woman who has two broken hips, I’ll return to society.
Until then I’ll send my best wishes and the wods.

I’m going to assume you are all in fantastic shape, which to me means being able to … move.
So here, do this wod in under 30 minutes but ya know, correctly.

100 reps of each movement
Walking Lunges
Push Ups
Hang Power Snatch @75/35lbs (please pay attention to you form)
Double unders (I know you must all have them by now just as a courtesy to me?)

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