Crossfit Syosset/ Monday, April 17th

Back Squat
5 x 3
3 reps every 90 seconds
Increasing weight after each set.
Starting weight around 65-70% of max, increase from there.

EMOM until you are not able to continue.
Alternate between:
5 Burpees odd numbers
5 Wallball Shots even numbers
After each minute:
+1 Burpee
+1 Wallball Shot
1st and 2nd minute = 5 burpees, 5 wallball.
3rd and 4th minute = 6 burpees, 6 wallball.
5th and 6th minute = 7 burpees, 7 wallball …
So on and so forth till you can’t finish the required amount to move on.
You can scale by starting with a lower number or reps, say, 3 burpee and 3 wallball.
You can also scale by modifying the movement, a burpee on an incline perhaps.
You can also keeping the reps the same for a certain amount of minutes.

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