Crossfit Syosset/ Monday, August 29th

It’s me again.
Who takes what they have for granted, You?
Who’s grateful for what they have, You?
Who actually thinks about this shit, You?
Who just goes on with life never even realizing if they have it good or bad?
I’m not asking one way or the other, just asking a question.
Let me know, I’m curious if this crosses anyone’s mind on a daily basis.


Front Squat
8 x 1
Start with 65%
then increase 5% each set
till you hit 100%
perform 1 rep every 2 minutes
If you are actually going for a 1 rep max, then wait the 2 minutes.
If you are not going to push yourself for a max then do 3 reps every 2 minutes


6 rounds for time:
10 DB Floor Press or Flat Bench Press @50/35
10 Toes To Bar
50′ Single Arm Overhead Walking Lunge @50/35
*alternate arms each round

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