Crossfit Syosset/ Tuesday, August 30th

No matter how much you exercise if you eat shit you will never look like you want to.
I know you would like to believe that over exercising will lead to fat loss, but it just isn’t going to happen unless you are working out all day long like a professional athlete does.
You need to get it through your head that it’s all about nutrition.
If you have never actually given yourself a chance to eat well for a substantial amount of time, you should give it a try, you’ll be happy you did.
Plus you will realize you don’t have to kill yourself with working out ever day!
A new month is starting soon, take advantage!


4 Rounds
DB or Barbell Stiff Leg Deadlifts 15 Reps (Heavy, no puss bag weight)
Single leg Glute Bridges 12 reps (6 each)

Rest 5 minutes …

5 Rounds
3 min Amrap:
15/12 Cal Bike
12 Box Jumps 30/24
Max Rep Power Cleans
Round 1: 95/65
Round 2: 115/75
Round 3: 135/95
Round 4: 155/105
Round 5: 185/125
Rest 90 seconds between Rounds
Try and get a minute each round of power cleans, that means move you fat ass on the bike and box jumps

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