Front Squat
4 x 4
Use the same weight you used for your last set of 5 from last week.
Keep the weight the same for all 5 sets.
Your last set should be a drop set. Assuming the weight is heavy as it should have been your heaviest set from last week, once your struggle through
the 4th set lower the weight by around 20% as soon as you’re done with the 4th rep and keep going till failure. Lower the weight once more and go till failure.
AMRAP 3 Minutes
3 Power Cleans (185/125)
3 Wall Walks
-rest 2 min-
AMRAP 3 Minutes
6 Power Cleans (155/105)
3 Wall Walks
-rest 2 min-
AMRAP 3 Minutes
9 Power Cleans (115/80)
3 Wall Walks
If you aren’t doing Rx, which isn’t recommended for most, pick three different weights and have them ready to go.
Check this out:
You know what’s fuckin terrible about this?
There’s going to actually be people that believe this is a healthy choice.
Yes, chocolate covered rugelach is a healthy choice.
There’s 120 cals in one of these things. You know there’s no way in hell that anyone is eating one of these. I can’t imagine if anyone is buying these
they’re not thinking, I’ll only have one here and there.
What a fucking joke.