Back Squat
20 reps @55%
These 20 reps are completed without returning the bar to the rack until all 20 reps are done.
We’ll be doing this for the next 8 weeks. Starting at 55% of your 1 rep max. If you don’t know your 1 rep max go off your old one or guesstimate
where you’re at.
We’ll be raising the weight 10lbs the first 4 weeks, then 5lbs the last 4 weeks.
You can rest as long as you need to with the bar on your back, what you cannot do it return the bar to the rack before all 20 reps are complete.
The set of 20 may take a several minutes, but never ever are you to return the bar to the rack before all 20 reps are complete, that’s a no, no.
You must stay braced in your core throughout the whole set of 20. There is no point during the 20 reps that you are not to staying tight.
These 20 reps should be rough, even from day 1. By the 4th week they should be brutal.
Sound good? Ok, good.
10 Sets
10 Body row on the barbell or rings
Set up a barbell on the rig to a height were your body remains straight, your heels are on the ground, your arms are extended and your body is off the ground.
To modify the movement, you can bend your legs, and/or position the rings or barbell so that your body is more vertical. The more vertical you are the easier the movement becomes. You can also modify by decreasing the amount of sets and reps .
10 Push ups
Ultimately you will do 10 rows, then flip over and do 10 Push ups. Keep this up for 10 rounds total.