Crossfit Syosset/ Monday, September 23rd


A. Run 400
1 min Goblet squat hold
2 sets:
Squat sit and reach x 10
KB Side lunge x 10
Side Planks :30 ea.
Single leg Glute bridge x 10
Seated Hip Raise lift over KB x 10
Swings x 10

B. Back Squat
Five sets x 5 reps :03 eccentric/ :02 pause @50-60% (if you squatted last week, add 5 lbs.)
Work off your partner for rest
Your only rest is when your partner is going

20 Min EMOM:
Minute 1: Run 200
Minute 2: DB Snatch x 12 @60/40
Minute 3: :30 Hollow Rock
Minute 4: 5 Burpee Box Jump @30/24
Minute 5: 7 Strict Pull ups

Look at this fuckin mess I found.
These are Mrs. Freshley’s Reese’s Peanut Butter Flavored Cupcakes.
I have no fuckin clue who Mrs. Freshley is but she should be indicted for tampering with the human body.
I’m going to assume Mrs. Freshley is a fictional character not unlike the Trix Rabbit put on the package with the intent of manipulating kids into buying this shit.
I love how they call her, Mrs. “Freshley”. Freshley, my ASS! More like, “so unfuckin freshley it’ll make you puke”!
That should be the only tagline allowed on that package, nothing else.
I’d love to meet the sadistic mother fucker who actually said, I have a great idea! Let’s add even more sugar to our sugary products and disguise it as something fresh. Don’t worry Fred, they’ll never know the fuckin difference, especially the kids, they’re clueless!
How the fuck is this allowed? You’re going to tell me the FDA has our best interest at heart when this crap is allowed to be produced?
This right here gives me no faith in any Government institution at all.
I want to say the highest amount of sugar and carbs I’ve found in food products up till today was at the most 40-50 grams of sugar and maybe 50-60 grams of carbs, and now this! Even a can of coke is only 40 grams of sugar, that wasn’t enough? Nah, not enough, let’s send everyone to the fuckin hospital, they aren’t crowded enough.
Read that shit!
It’s got 55 grams of sugar and 75 g of carbs! Is this even a real thing or my imagination?
They won’t be happy till everyone in America is sitting on their asses eating shit all day and taking medication. Fuckin pathetic.
I think these cupcakes would send someone who is pre-diabetic right to the fuckin hospital. Forget about totally diabetic, if they were stupid enough to eat this they would be fuckin dead.
Look at the percentage of added sugars this product contains! 110%!!!!
Correct me if I’m wrong but I think this means if someone was eating a 2,000 calorie diet on a daily basis that this person would have eaten all his or her sugars not only for the day, but 10% for the day after, and you know anyone eating this is not eating a strict 2,000 calorie diet. They’re probably going to eat another package the next day also.
Why not just fill these things with crack. I would actually rather people smoke crack then eat this shit, you’d still lose your teeth, but Drew can easily replace those.
It’s absolutely crazy what they’re doing to people and even crazier what they’re allowed to get away with.
This makes absolutely no sense to me. The only way producing such an item would make sense is if they’re trying to poison us on purpose, right!
I can’t think of any other reason anyone in their right mind would create such a concoction unless their ultimate goal was to get people addicted to their product, make a profit off this person, then when the person becomes diseased they pass this poor shlep onto their partners in the medical industry who can now take over and rape this person’s insurance company as their families watch this person die.
No other reason whatsoever crosses my mind.
I mean this is worse than a fuckin drug dealer, at least drug dealers don’t shove it in your fuckin face like these mother fuckers do.
This is no different, other than it’s legal.
They’ll trash the Mexican cartels for poisoning people with fentanyl, but they’re able to get away with this?
Same shit, only difference is you’re gonna die a slower more painful death, at least fentanyl will be quick.
Un fuckin real

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