Crossfit Syosset/ Tuesday, August 23rd

Who’s become a Fat Alcoholic over the summer? Just me?
Don’t lie to me and don’t lie to yourself.
“Is he talking to me”? Yes, If you think I’m talking to you then it’s you I’m talking to.
I know, it’s hard to stay on track over time, especially in the Summer time.
If you are one of those who’s totally gone the other way, eating cookies and ice cream at night, let’s get back on track.
Get rid of all the crap in your house (I can’t believe after all the shit I write that you would still have crap in the house but, I get it.
Parties over, kids are getting ready to go back to school and your pants don’t fit!
Now it’s time to turn the chunky asses into 7 minute Glutes!


Barbell Hip Thrusts
5 x 8
8 reps every 2 minutes (put some heavy weight on the bar, if it hurts roll up a yoga mat)
You can do this with a partner instead of setting up 27 barbells.


Row 500 Meters
21 Deadlifts @185/125
21 Box Jumps @24/20
21 Toes To Bar
Row 500 Meters
15 Deadlifts @225/155
15 Box Jumps @30/24
15 Toes To Bar
Row 500 Meters
9 Deadlifts @275/185
9 Box Jumps @34/28 (this is 30″ box with a 45lb plate on top)
9 Toes To Bar
***You don’t have to raise the weight or the box height, do whatever you can do at a quick pace. Doing this with 135lb Deadlift will be a good workout, just move fast***

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