Crossfit Syosset/ Tuesday, December 6th

Someone asked me a question which got me thinking.
The Question you ask?
“Does Yoga get you muscular?”
This got me thinking about what women want from their training.  At least the women I talk to
all want to look great, they want a great looking Ass, great looking legs and if it’s beach season they want abs.  So basically all women want shape.
So here’s the thing that has me confused, the only thing that changes your shape is weightlifting.
So why is it then that so many women are so enamored with cardio, yoga, pilates, stair masters and aerobics classes?
These modalities won’t give you the Ass, Abs or legs you’re looking for, you’ll just be flexible and from what i’ve seen not even skinny.

You women want to look great you have to become a weight lifter.  I know it sounds intimidating but it’s the furthest thing from it.
Trust me, you want to look great you got to lift like it.
Stop doing something that won’t give you the result your looking for and getting upset about it, do the right thing.

Bike Teams of 3:
5 min Amrap
Alternate after 10 seconds

Week 2 Program

Cleans @165/115
Hand Stand Push Ups

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