Crossfit Syosset/ Tuesday, November 1st

Who’s stuffing their chubby cheeks with candy today because it’s Halloween?
Just because it’s Halloween doesn’t mean it’s ok. I don’t think your body knows the difference between Holiday’s and regular days, all your body knows is that you’re feeding me shit again.
Think about what your body has to go through to excrete the shit you put into it. If you eat crap on a consistent basis think about this. If you got drunk and took a nasty fall (I say got drunk cause does anyone just fall anymore?) and scraped up your knee you would take care of it till it healed right? But when you eat shit the same thing is happening inside your body, yet you don’t take care of yourself till the damage you did inside your body heals, no no no you eat more shit on top of that shit to really make your insides suffer. Just doesn’t make any sense to me.
Like I always said, if your insides were on your outside where everyone could see them you would eat well all the time.

Deadlift find your 1 rep max
There’s no need to be afraid of performing heavy deadlifts. If the movement is performed correctly the deadlift increases strength in not only your whole posterior chain from your traps to you ankles but also increases core strength more so than movements that focus solely on your core.
If you want a strong fuckin back do your deadlifts.
Keeping your core tight throughout the whole movement is critical.
Same as yesterday, using several higher rep sets to warm up 10-7-5-3 then starting your singles with a weight you’ve done and increasing from there.

5 Rounds
Bike 15/10
20 Wall Balls 20/14
5 Snatch @135/95
Rest 1 min
The rest is there so you can plow through the round as quickly as possible.
What that means is, you should be going a lot faster than you normally would if there was no rest.
Earn your rest!

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