Crossfit Syosset/ Tuesday, September 3rd


4 Min EMOM:
2 Clean High Pull from Power Position (start with an empty barbell and increase each set)
4 Min EMOM:
2 Clean Grip Deadlift (use a moderate weight moving slowly through all 8 reps)
10 Min EMOM:
1 Power Clean and Jerk (Increase weight every other set)


Bike for Calories
Power Clean 135/95
Ring Dips/ Bar Dip/ or Push Up

David is a new member, he just started with us.
He’s under the impression that he needs to train more in order to get more muscle definition, but we know the truth, right?
People, how do we get more muscle definition?
C’mon, you know the answer. Spit it out and respond to the email.
We eat well!!!
We CONSISTENTLY eat well!!!
That’s how we get muscle definition.
This doesn’t mean eat well 4 or 5 days out of the week, or eat well for breakfast and lunch then fuck up at dinner.
Being a new member, David gets a pass on this one.
I’m sure none of you would ever say that to me, right?
It’s very simple, David.
Eat Meat, Chicken, Fish, Eggs and green vegetables.
You may not have heard this before, people don’t like to spread the word because there’s no way to make money by spreading this information.
There’s a lot more money in creating a ridiculous diet and writing a book about it.
It’s kinda like keeping the cure for cancer under wraps.
There you go, David!! The secret to looking how you want to look.
Very simple, Meat, Chicken, Fish, Eggs and Green Veggies.
If you didn’t read it, don’t eat it.
Leave the bananas and oatmeal at the door.

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