Crossfit Syosset/ Wednesday, September 4th


3 Sets:
Single Arm Suitcase Carry x 50ft per arm @70/44
GHD Sit up x 10
Hollow Rock x :30


15 Minute EMOM:
Minute 1: Run 200m
Minute 2: Double KB Swings x 10 @35/18
Minute 3: Front-Racked Barbell Alternating Reverse LungesĀ x 10 @35/18

Summers over, I guess this it’s time to get back into shape for next summer?
Is that how it works?
You know what works better?
Not falling out of shape in the first place just because the season have changed.
Is this like going on vacation and throwing your diet out the window?
Don’t you feel like shit when you eat crap for a couple days?
You enjoy feeling like shit on vacation sittin on the fuckin bowl?
I’m not understanding this.
Do you feel like less crap eating shit over the Summer as opposed to Winter, Spring or Fall?
I would think you would feel even crappier because it’s the Summer.
Is this because your reason for eating well is solely to look good and not to stay healthy?
I think your body is more concerned with you feeding it well ALL the time and not just some of the time.
Let’s change this silly attitude and adopt a new one.
How about you eat well 80% of the time no matter where you are or what time of the year it is.
Wait! Is this also like eating shitty on holiday’s because it’s a holiday?
So, the day after a holiday you enjoy feeling like crap?
I’m trying to figure this out.

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