Crossfit Syosset/ Wednesday, April 12th

Tim and Jerald, two of the many that complete the Challenge!

Again, Congrats to all of you who hung in there and crushed this thing.  Next is a day off, today and then we start again on Thursday with 99 Burpees.  C’mon, don’t puss out.  If you did if once you can do it again.  Plus there are a bunch more joining us this time.

Push yourself to keep doing them, don’t stop.  it’s easy to stop, don’t do easy.

Tuesday we start our 1 rep maxes, we’ll be doing them on Tuesdays and Thursdays while keeping up with the Monday, Wednesday and Friday skills.


Skull Crushers (Barbell) 8 Reps
Dumbbell Flyes 8 Reps
Bench Press 8 Reps
Ring push ups 8 Reps
Complete 4 Sets of the complex with ample rest in between


5 rounds for time of:
Clean and jerks 4 Reps @225/155
6 Muscle Ups ( ring or bar)
40-ft. handstand walk or handstand push ups 10 reps

If you are scaling the whole wod:

It may look something like this:
5 Rounds
4 Clean and Jerk (Heavy AS Fuck)
10 Pull ups and 10 Dips
10 Handstand Push ups

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