Crossfit Syosset/ Wednesday, August 7th


3 Rounds
Run 800
50 GHD Sit ups
50 GHD Hip extensions

So, no one stepped forward and claimed the cookie.
Did you read the label?
They try and manipulate your decision to buy the cookie by making a serving size only half a cookie, so it doesn’t seem so bad.
If someone bought that cookie or any other fuckin cookie they aint only eating half.
Are you guys still eating sugar?
This is still an issue? Even after everything I have written about it and all the material that’s out there on how bad sugar is for us?
I was talking this morning about how years ago there were no non smoking sections anywhere, people just smoked wherever and whenever they wanted to.
I would love to know the facts on this but it seems years ago when women smoke while they were pregnant there were far less issue’s with babies as there are today.
Personally I attribute it to the fucking shit food these fuckers are trying to pass off as healthy foods and the fact that people are much more lazy than they used to be.
There’s too many fuckin chemicals in the food and there’s too much fuckin shit out there to make our lives easy, like for instance, Doordash and Uber eats.
I recently found out that they will pick up absolutely any fuckin thing you tell em to pick up.
This means you have to do absolutely nothing to get everything you need and want.
You can stay on the couch all fuckin day and night, not move a muscle and yet still be able to get everything you need to live.
It’s crazy what has happened.
Big companies don’t give a shit about your health, as long as they make money they couldn’t give a flying fuck about you.
Actually they probably prefer us being lazy bastards, that way they can make money not only from our laziness but also when we get sick.
Don’t be a fuckin loaf!
Stop eating sugar and keep moving!

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