Crossfit Syosset/ Wednesday, November 30th

The workouts we do are not meant to totally annihilate you. There are a lot of variables that go into how you attack the workouts.
Are you sore from previous workouts?
Is the Rx weight too heavy or is there a movement that is to difficult to do?
Did you go fast and heavy the day before?
How many days have you worked out in a row, or maybe you just aren’t feeling it that day.
There are all questions to ask yourself in order to do the workout correctly. When I say correctly I mean to get the right response we are looking for.
You want the workouts to be intense not undoable. We create intensity through the speed you move and the difficulty of the exercises.
When I post a workout if the Rx weight is to heavy, lower it. You’re not supposed to suffer through a workout moving slowly because the weight slows you down to much.
The workouts are supposed to be done with speed and safety in mind.
If the weight is so heavy that you start losing form and range of motion lower the weight.
Next time you do the workout try using a lighter weight and move quickly the whole time. I’m not saying to use a lighter weight if you don’t need to but be smart, no need to kill yourself doing the Rx weight just because it says Rx.
Every workout can be scaled to meet anyone’s fitness level, so be smart and scale.

Squat Clean or Power Clean 135/95 (If you’re legs are sore do power cleans, if the Rx weight is heavy do lighter weight)
Burpee (if burpees are difficult from the floor do them off a box)
Toes To Bar (If toes to bar aren’t in your repertoire do knees to elbows)
See, everything can be scaled.

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