Crossfit Syosset/ Wednesday, October 18th

A. 6 sets every :90
1 squat clean + 1 front squat
Increase each set
B. 4 sets every :60
2 front squat + 2 jerk
(80% of A for all 4 sets)

3 Rounds:
500 meter row
500 meter ski
30/20 Cal bike or 1,000 meter C2 bike
Rest 2 minutes

I do not want to hear the word “diet” ever again. There’s no such thing as a diet.
I’m going to go over this again because it’s concerning to me that something so simple can be so difficult. However, I can understand the confusion and here’s why.
Do you know what you see when you google the word, diet?
This is what it says. The word diet comes from the greek word, “diaita” which means “way of life”.
It also says, “for many people, however, it means following a specific food plan to lose weight.” That’s the problem. When did the meaning of the word become so ass backwards?
I’m going to go out on a limb and say the fuckers in the “diet” industry changed the meaning of the word to get us to buy into a “diet plan”.
Instead of saying, you need to eat well throughout your life, they say, try this diet and try that diet so they can make money. Dr’s say, you need to go on a diet.
Fucking insane, an out of shape Dr telling you that you need to go on a diet. So, an out of shape Dr which is a huge problem on it’s own, is now telling you that you need to go on a diet. Fuckin ludicrous.
It’s fuckin terrible.
When we say the words, “diet plan” it implies there’s a beginning and and ending.
This is horse shit. There’s no beginning and ending to eating well, it’s a constant thing like brushing your teeth or showering. You don’t start and stop showering one the showering plan begins and ends, right! You fucking shower when you’re dirty. So, why do we keep starting different diet plans because these idiots keep coming up with new ones?
Are we that easily manipulated by these people? No, fuck no!
Stop trying to find something that you think is going to work just because you don’t want to change the way you eat permanently.
You know why most people say eating meat and vegetables is not sustainable? It’s because these mother fuckers tell you it’s not sustainable!
It’s crazy, pure craziness.
Not sustainable, that’s such a dumb statement. You telling me if you had no choice and you had to eat meat and vegetables for the rest of your life or you would die, that it wouldn’t be sustainable??
No, of course not.
C’mon man, we ain’t splittin atoms here. It’s just food.
You eat well most of the time, 80-90%. The other 10-20% you can have some crap food but this is only if you’re eating well the other 80-90%!
You can’t say you’re going to eat well and only do it for half the day and then eat shit for the rest of the day cause you’re happy eating well till noon everyday!
It just doesn’t work like that. I’m not saying you can’t cheat on occasion. Once a week is fine, but not every night!
Here’s the so called “secret”, change your fucking behavior. That’s the problem. It’s ain’t food, it’s YOU!
Say the word diet again and there’s going to be double unders in every workout for a year straight.
Here you go, eat meat, chicken, fish, eggs and vegetables 80-90% of the time and you’ll be happy. Then maybe I’ll be happy.

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