Three sets:
With a Kettlebell
Halo 10 each direction
Around the World 10 each direction
Shoulder Press 5 each arm
Windmill 5 each side
-rest 3 minutes-
10 Min EMOM
10 Swings each minute
-rest 3 minutes-
In three minutes complete:
Row 500/400 meters
Amrap wall ball shots.
– Rest 2 minutes_
Five rounds total
If it takes you 2 minutes to Row, you will have 1 minute left to do max rep wall balls.
Keep track of your wall balls.
Try for 15-20 each round.
Ya know what’s nice to see?
No one has let themselves go just because it’s Summertime.
If anything, I would say you have all gotten better over the Summer.
Everyone’s seems to have stayed pretty focused on their nutrition.
It used to be the opposite.
Everyone would fall apart over the Summer, I never understood that.
Not only have you been impressing me with your nutrition, but your lifting technique has also been quite impressive.
That’s good, it’s nice to know you give a fuck.