Everyone Should be signing up for the Open, EVERYONE!!!!
There is a scaled division so EVERYONE is able to perform the workouts and post them on the Open Page!
Sign up for the Open, forget about the Open, Games and Regionals, that shit don’t matter.
What matters is the INTENSITY of the workouts, there usually way more intense than the normal wods just because it’s the Open SO, Sign the Fuck Up!
I’ll give you the $20 if that’s the problem. Sign up for the Open and sign up for the Competition were having. I don’t wanna hear any BullShit about you not wanting to go in the Tub to get dunked cause You’re Fat, the Waters Dirty, Keith is a pervert, I’m a Pervert, The person before you is a pervert!
Nothing I don’t want to hear SHIT! Just sign up or I will assume you don’t really give a shit about your heath and fitness which means you really don’t give a shit about me (I don’t know how I came up with that comparison but it works for me) So sign up.
The OPEN and The Fat Loss Comp!!!!!
They should be the only thing on your little minds.
No, I’m not giving you the $20 Silly
Swings 10 x 10 30 sec rest
Bench press
6 x 5 @73%
21-15-9 reps for time of:
Row (calories)
Thrusters @55-60%