Crossfit Syosset/ Friday, March 11th

*Tomorrow we’ll be doing the games wod at 4:30 instead of 6:30pm*
If you are participating, please show up before 4:30.
If you are not participating, move to the side so you won’t be in the way.

Did everyone start eating well?
Cleaning out your cabinets of all the crap food you keep in there?
If you’re issue is snacking at night, it’s a much easier habit to break if you don’t keep shit in the house.


For Time:

21 Pull ups
42 Double Unders
21 Thrusters 95/65
18 C2B Pull ups
36 Double Unders
18 Thrusters 115/75
15 Bar Muscle ups
30 Double Unders
15 Thrusters 135/85

12 Min Time Cap

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