Crossfit Syosset/ Friday, March 3rd

This diet thing seems to be eluding some of us. What’s the most important thing to remember about dieting?
It doesn’t take a week to look awesome!
You have to be on a strict eating program for at least 3 months, not 3 weeks.  You’re not going to lose the weight you want to lose in 3 weeks.
So stop with the being upset that the diet isn’t working cause it’s been a week or two or three or four weeks and your still fat.
That’s not reality, reality is start eating well and forget about it, don’t weigh yourself everyday, don’t measure yourself everyday, don’t look in the mirror everyday and wonder why it’s not working.  Stop all that.
Just stay on the diet and check back in 3 months then maybe you will be surprised at what you have accomplished.
This is not an overnight thing, the quicker you understand that the quicker you will be on the right path.


Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 12 minutes of: 2 rounds of:

50-ft. weighted walking lunge 16 toes-to-bars*
8 power cleans

Then, 2 rounds of:
50-ft. weighted walking lunge 16 bar muscle-ups*

8 power cleans
Etc., alternating between toes-to-bars and bar muscle-ups every 2 rounds.

* Movements vary by division.


Rx’d: (Ages 16-54)
Men use 50-lb. dumbbells
Women use 35-lb. dumbbells
Teenagers 14-15:
Boys use 35-lb. dumbbells, perform toes-to-bars / bar muscle-ups
Girls use 20-lb. dumbbells, perform toes-to-bars / bar muscle-ups Masters 55+:
Men use 35-lb. dumbbells, perform toes-to-bars / chest-to-bar pull-ups Women use 20-lb. dumbbells, perform toes-to-bars / chest-to-bar pull-ups



Each lunge begins with the dumbbells at the shoulders, the feet together, and the athlete standing tall. The rear head of the dumbbell must be clearly over or slightly behind the center of the athlete’s body when viewed from profile.

A lunge rep will count when both heels are past the line, the athlete is standing tall with the dumbbells at the shoulders and all standards for the repetition have been met.

The trailing knee must make contact with the ground at the bottom of each lunge. The dumbbells must remain at the shoulders, and the hands must remain around the dumbbell handle for the duration of the rep. Releasing the grip on the handle and letting the dumbbell rest solely on the shoulder is not allowed. Walking lunges are required. Lunging in place is not allowed. Lunging more than 25 feet in one direction without turning around is not allowed.

The rep ends with the dumbbells still at the shoulders and the athlete standing tall with the hips and knees fully extended. Stopping with both feet together on the ground is not required, but both legs must be fully extended if the athlete chooses to step through at the top. The athlete must alternate which foot leads for each rep. Shuffle steps between reps are not allowed. If the athlete fails to meet any standard during a step, including not touching the trailing knee to the ground, not reaching full extension at the top of the rep or not keeping the dumbbells at the shoulders for the entire rep, the athlete must restart from behind the last 5-foot increment they successfully crossed. Similarly, if at any time during the lunge the dumbbells are lowered from the shoulders, the athlete must restart from behind the last 5-foot increment they successfully crossed.

Scaled: (Ages 16-54)
Men use 35-lb. dumbbells, perform hanging knee-raises / chin-over-bar pull-ups Women use 20-lb. dumbbells, perform hanging knee-raises / chin-over-bar pull-ups Scaled Teenagers 14-15:
Boys use 20-lb. dumbbells, perform hanging knee-raises / chin-over-bar pull-ups Girls use 10-lb. dumbbells, perform hanging knee-raises / chin-over-bar pull-ups Scaled Masters 55+:
Men use 20-lb. dumbbells, perform sit-ups / jumping chest-to-bar pull-ups Women use 10-lb. dumbbells, perform sit-ups / jumping chest-to-bar pull-ups

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