Crossfit Syosset/ Friday, September 15th

A. 6 Min EMOM
1 Power snatch
1 Hang Power snatch
1 High hang power snatch
Increase the weight each set, unless you can’t and you’re workin on technique. In that case keep the weight the same.
B. 4 Min EMOM
2 Hang squat snatch
With the weight you finished A with.

5 rounds
10 Hang power snatch @115/75
10 Overhead squat @115/75
10 Pull up
Maybe try 135/95 lbs (that would be fuckin brutal)

To continue from yesterday. If you don’t put yourself first, why is that?
Don’t they say when you’re on an airplane and shit goes sour to put your oxygen mask on first before your family?
Does this selfishness only apply to a hazardous aviation situation? Is it even an act of selfishness?
What if the time you took to put your mask on could have saved others?
I’m just asking, please explain.
My question is, if you don’t put yourself first, explain why and what might be different if you did put yourself first.
The more responses the better, so answer the fucking questions, please.

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