Every 2 minutes
Front Squat
5 x 5 (@ a number 6-7 RPE)
Work with a partner
3 Rounds
Row 500
12 Power Clean @135/95
15 Burpee over bar
Who do you know lives on fake food?
The shit they sell disguised as real food. You know, the weight watchers, jenny craig, zone bars and all the other shakes, bars, wafers and what ever the hell else they can entice you with. They even make “healthy” peanut butter cups now. Peanut butter cups! C’mon, seriously. You’re better off eating Reese’s peanut butter cups instead of the fake shit. They even put celebrity chefs on the packages of shit to fool us into thinking it’s good food. Oh, there’s a well known chef on the package, it must be good for us! Truly unbelievable!
It’s all shit. They realized a small percentage of people are into “healthy eating” now, so they had to figure out a way to deceive everyone without us knowing it’s really shit. Shit, shit, shit.
Don’t be fooled by the shit. If it’s not real whole food, that means, it’s not, and going to Whole Foods doesn’t mean you’re eating healthy. There’s plenty of shit they try to pass off as whole foods also.
Think about it, you can’t have a real whole foods grocery store cause most people eat shit.
Don’t be fooled by the overpriced, fake products out there that “they” say are healthy options for a when you’re on the go.
“On the go”, please. How about I prepare some healthy food so I will have it ready when I’m “on the go”. Oy Vey!!
Real Whole Foods are healthy!