Whomever is doing the Open wods you might want to be a little more selective of the workouts and lifts you are doing during the week. I am not going to change up the lifting days because everyone is not doing the Open.
If your back is bothering you from the Wod On Friday or Sunday you should probably take a break from Certain things.
For instance if we’re doing deadlifts Today, which we are You would want to skip them for the sake of your spine.
Once again I will let you know, you do not need to do the Rx weight all the time in order to get a good workout.
Doing lighter weights and being able to keep moving is much better than heavier weights with huge rest unprescribed rest intervals.
Don’t be another person that has to learn the hard way to lay off the weights and get hurt before you start to do the right thing.
Hollow Rock
V Up
3 Min Plank
5 x 10 @50%
4 Rds with 1 min rest between
30 Wall Ball 20/14
15 Pull Ups
Take a 1 min break after the finish of each round