Crossfit Syosset/ Monday, March 13th

Nick Tillman has been with us for roughly 7 years now but before he was Crossfitting he was an Olympic Lifter.
Here he is yesterday, Sunday performing his lifts.

*****Olympic lifting takes years to master, and even then you need a shitload of practice to improve.
One huge component of Oly lifting is Flexibility, without it you won’t be able to complete the movements with efficiency not to mention you’re probably going to get hurt.
With this in mind work on your flexibility to improve your lifts.

*****You all took your Body Fat % correct?
For those of you that plan to do something about it, look at your sheet that was given to you by Keith.  It says how many calories you need to maintain, lose, gain etc…
This info is there for a reason.  You can follow this information and follow the calories you need to lose 2 lbs a week or you can just try and follow the paleo diet either way just follow something for the two months you have before you get tested again.
This means you actually follow the program for two months everyday, day in and day out.  Not follow it for 3 days and say it doesn’t work well, because that won’t work.
If you’re not sure what to do ask me.

*****I’ve mentioned this before regarding scaled workouts.
Here’s how it works, the workouts are designed so that you are supposed to finish the workout within 3 minutes of a professional.
This is why I always say to Scale the wod so that you don’t stop moving, why?  Because the pros don’t stop moving.
Let’s say for instance we do a workout that the pros finish in 8 minutes.  You need to scale the wod so that you finish in no more than 11 minutes.

What does this do? Well for one reason you won’t get hurt killing yourself with heavy weight you can’t handle.  Number two you will get a better workout, moving faster with little rest.
You do not need to do Rx weight, scale the weight and the movements so you are able to move through the workout without having to stop over and over again.  I am telling you this will be a much better workout for you.
Even with the Open wods, the weight is crazy so unless you can handle it and move through the workout then do scaled.
You’re no less of a person doing scaled.
I have told you my opinion before, you do Rx and you’re competing against professional freaks of nature, drugs and cheaters.
Believe me it’s much better to do scaled and compete against regular people.
I’m not saying to do scaled if you don’t have a problem with the weight and can keep moving just be smart about it.

5 x 10
Good Mornings
These are done as a warm up so do light weight like the empty bar.

5 x 5 @73%

4 x 30/30  (Complete 4 rounds of each movement at 30 on and 30 off, completing as fast as you can in 30 seconds.  There is no rest between exercises, it does not matter where you start the workout.)
Bike For Calories
Wall Ball @20/14
Box Jumps @24/20
Pull ups

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