Two more days of The week from Hell, It’s nice to see the weather is cooperating with us.
This is great after these workouts in the heat you can go run to the scale and see how much water you lost you’ll be so happy to see lbs of water shed off you, hey as long as the scale is lower were all good right! No! Not right!
Next week we’ll be doing the opposite of this week so you can see the difference in the types of workouts that are more intense and the feeling you get from them as opposed to these long abusive ones.
I’m sure this will back fire and you’ll be like “Oh those long ones are great, can we keep doing them!”
No! We Can’t!
Good Luck with this one!
2 Rounds For Time:
100 Double Unders
50 Overhead Squat @95/65 (your punishment for not putting the time in to get flexible is: Your modification is Thrusters)
50 Box Jumps @24/20
50 Lunges Holding a plate 25/10
50 Bench Press @135/95
50 V Ups
It’s only 2 rounds!!!!