Crossfit Syosset/ Thursday, March 29th

Please do your best to keep the bathrooms clean after you use  them, they get cleaned several times a week but if there is water left all over the floor it doesn’t matter when the water is cleaned up, because by the time it is cleaned up it will have seeped into the grout of the tile floor and started turning the grout brown.
This is what is happening to the grout already, it is turning brown.
C’mon man, the bathrooms are nice and they are for everyone to use so let’s try and keep them nice.


Let’s get back to running again!

17 Min Amrap

Run 400
12 Power Snatch @115/75
25 Wall Ball Shots @20/14

Right After…

5  Min Plank
Go for as long as you can in the 5 Min Period
If you drop get back up as quick as you can.

3 Min Boat pose
Go for as long as you can in the 3 Min Period
If you drop get back up and bend your knees so its easier.

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