If you haven’t seen the Regionals on T.V the last three weekends it was pretty cool.
Not just seeing them live but that the regionals are actually on CBS Channel 2!
That’s incredible, back in 2007 when we first started Crossfit Syosset which back then was Crossfit Old Bethpage the Crossfit games had just begun and was nothing more than a bunch of athletes hanging out at Dave Castor’s ranch in California working out for 2 or 3 days.
The winner got a trophy and a case of beer I imagine. Now, the Games are going to be televised on CBS, the Regionals was televised and the prize money is now up to 2.2 Million dollars with the Individual winner getting $275k of that, a far cry from a Trophy and a case.
All this success Crossfit has seen is not by accident, everything about it is great, the workout, the community, the family, and the results are all incredible.
Anyways watching this past weekend they have Crossfit commercials that air during the show.
One of the commercials stood out to me.
This woman was speaking of her Crossfit Experience basically saying when she started and how much weight she lost and other great things Crossfit had sone for her.
Then she said “get up the courage and walk into your neighborhood Crossfit”
So then I thought about it, is saying I don’t want to do Crossfit cause my legs will get too big or I’ll look like a man just an excuse?
Is that just an excuse to get out of going to Crossfit because they don’t have the courage like everyone else who walks into a Crossfit Gym?
This Obviously bothers me that women have all these excuses for not trying Crossfit.
It just doesn’t make sense to me, finally something that works well, doesn’t take half of your day up in the gym, doesn’t cost you a $5,000 machine sitting in your bedroom as a dresser to hang your clothes and still… an excuse as to why you can’t do it!
This boggles my mind.
Well, I hope they all get the courage to walk into the gym one day and stop making excuses cause excuses will get you no where in life except in the same exact position you are in now.
Front Squat
3 sets of 5 reps @80%
Hang Squat Clean
Subtract 30% and perform 6 singles
4 rope Climbs
16 Thrusters @155/105
3 rope Climbs
12 Thrusters
2 rope Climbs
8 Thrusters