Row 500
50 Sit ups
Row 1k
50 Russian Twists
Row 500
1 minute each: plank, right side plank, left side plank
Row 1k
1 minute hollow rock
You can substitute the 500 row with a 400 run, a 30/20 cal bike, or 500 ski erg.
You can even substitute with a walk, whatever makes you happy.
Ya know what happened? No one responded to the email yesterday. I was afraid of this happening.
Soooo, I figured I would write another one. Maybe this one will spark some interest in you responding.
Is this normal behavior? When someone asks you a question via email do you not respond?
Do you just discard or send it to the trash? I’m curious, maybe someone can clarify by responding with an email?
I’d really like to know what you’re thinking when you read this stuff.
Do the emails cause anyone to take their nutrition more seriously?
If you have an issue with eating well would you rather not read this stuff?
Do these emails have any affects on you at all?
Do you even read the most important part of the email, or do you just read the workout. I guess you wouldn’t be reading this if you are one of those people.
Maybe when someone responds to clear up my question about sending my emails to the trash, you can also answer yesterday’s question?