Crossfit Syosset/ Wednesday, April 3rd


Single leg barbell deadlift
4 x 8
You do not have to go heavy on this lift. It’s more about focusing on your technique.
Staying braced and keeping your spine in a neutral position, rotating off your hip is much more important than heavy weight.
If you are able to do everything above perfectly feel free to go with heavy weight.


Four 5 min Rounds with 2 min rest after each round
Perform each movement for 1 minute of max reps
Wall Ball 20/14
Sumo Deadlift High Pull 75/55
Box Jump 20″
Push Press 75/55
Row for calories

Did you see Oprah Winfrey stepped down from the board of Weight Watchers do to her admitting the use of a drug like Ozempic to lose weight?
She told Jimmy Kimmel, “I was initially inspired to lose weight without the use of weight loss medication after knee surgery”.
The Dr’s told her, “Obesity is a disease, you are always going to put the weight back on”. Nice, right? It’s nice what these Dr’s are telling people.
Ya know what, don’t even try cause you’re eventually going to fail and get fat again so just take the drug.
I love the when the Dr’s say, “You’re prediabetic”. What the fuck does that even mean?
Just say what the fuck it is. You’re obese and you need to shut your mouth, stop eating shit and just start moving before you get a fuckin disease.
Now Oprah is going to influence millions of people to lose weight the unhealthy way. Because she came out with the truth not to long after it took place is that not hypocrisy? Was it ok that she was promoting losing weight the healthy way and the whole time she was taking this crap? Or is it ok because she donated her earnings from Weight Watchers to a charity.
Now Weight Watchers is a weight health company that also administers weight loss drugs.
This is absolutely insane. Whatever anyone can do to make it easy.
You know what ya get when you do easy? Ya get fucked.

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