Every :90 x’s 10
-Triple squat clean (sets 1&2)
-Double squat clean (sets 3,4,5)
_Single squat clean (As Heavy as Fuck
sets 6,7,8,9,10)
Because it says “heavy as fuck” does not mean you have to lift as heavy as fuck. Those words are there for motivation purposes only.
If you would rather work on your technique and range of motion than keep the weight light and work on the movement.
Actually if you need work on your range of motion you definitely should be keeping the weight light enough so you can achieve full range of motion.
Also, if your technique sucks you should probably be keeping the weight light anyways.
Five 3 minute Amraps
3 Power Cleans @135/95
6 Push ups
9 Air Squats
Rest 1 minute between rounds