Crossfit Syosset/ Wednesday, June 7th


Back Squat
20 Reps + 5lbs From last week, If you completed all 2o Squats last week without putting the bar back on the rack before 2o reps.  Which I’m sure you all did being that it was the first week of the program.

Again, make sure you stay tight for all 20 reps.  don’t make the mistake of performing any squats without keeping your core tight it’s easy to get hurt during these 20 reps at the end when you’re exhausted.
Try and focus on Stopping at the top of each rep, taking a deep breathe in and tightening your core.  If you do it for each rep you will be used to it and remember to do it all the time for every movement.

You should be trying to do this (keeping your core tight) when you do anything strenuous even outside of the gym.  When you lift your kids, when you get out of your car, when you do anything at home try and remember to do this.  You will save yourself from a lot of Back Pain and possible future perpetual back pain.


100 Double Unders
50 Wall Balls 20/14
Run 400
20 Strict Pull ups
Run 400
50 Wall Balls
100 Double Unders

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