Crossfit Syosset/ Wednesday, May 16th

For some reason Wodify still hasn’t been that popular.
Another interesting query, “why doesn’t everyone use Wodify”?

This I do not understand, Wodify is a GREAT way to keep track of your workouts and your 1 rep maxes.
Keeping track of your workouts and Maxes will allow you to also see your progress with your maxes and if we do the workout again.
Posting your workouts?  Its’ super easy, after you have signed up you get the app that Wodify has and just post all your workouts on the app and they will show up on the Big Screen for everyone to see!
The Big Screen is like a whiteboard with everyones workout on it in order.
So Besides that being cool all by itself (everyone seeing everyone workouts) it will also log all your info you put in.
So, just do it!
I’m starting to get a complex, you don’t want to find your body fat, and you don’t want to keep track of your workouts.
This doesn’t all make any sense.
C’mon peeps help me help you!

This will be my last Wodify Email, if this doesn’t work it’ll be over for Wodify.  Sadly, Wodify will walk away in shame and I will walk away in a state of confusion .



3  Double KB Snatch  @55/35
1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12  Thruster @55/35
For 12 Minutes


Weighted Chin Ups
5 x 5
Increase weight each set.

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