Crossfit Syosset/ Wednesday, September 13th


A. 6 min EMOM
1 Power clean
1 Hang power clean
1 High hang power clean
Increasing weight each set
then …
B. 4 min EMOM
At the weight you finished with “A” at:
2 Hang squat cleans


12 min amrap
20/12 cal bike
20 DB Split squats 50/35
10 Toes to bar (ab mat sit ups sub =20reps)

I have a question.
I’m hoping some of you answer it, if not then you can just follow along. But, it would be a better situation if you actually sent me the answer.
This maybe the start to a whole slew of questions, so you may want to answer them as not to fall behind.
Here’s the question:
Do you put yourself first in your life?

You can answer yes or no for now. Don’t give your explanation cause i didn’t ask for one yet.
You can think about it and then email me your answer.
You can spit out a generic answer right away.
You can ignore me and not answer shit.
Or, you can answer it in your head and never tell anyone.
All good choices

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