Crossfit Syosset/ Friday, October 27th

I’ve mentioned this before but apparently by the count of how many members have come to me and said something about this the first mentioning of this topic didn’t seem to kick in.

So I’ll mention it again.
The bathrooms are your bathrooms, not mine.  They are there for you guys to shower, crap and whatever else you do in there.
Fortunately we came into a brand new building with brand new bathrooms.  Fortunately for us if we try a little bit to keep them nice they will stay nice.
If they turn to shit we have no one to blame but us.  The bathrooms are cleaned well every other day yet for some reason they still get to the point of looking like shit after half a day, Why is that?

Is there a “Bathroom Gremlin” running around to all the bathrooms in the neighborhoods destroying them and laughing as he slings his crap across the toilet bowl?
Does the “Bathroom Gremlin” have something against toilet paper holders?  Why is this?  Why does the Gremlin run from bathroom to bathroom destroying the toilet paper holders?
Is it the “Bathroom Gremlin” that leaves a pond on the floor after he/she (this is not a sexist Gremlin) showers just to fuck up the tile floor and have mildew grow?   Do Gremlins enjoy Mildew?
Let’s try and end this devastation of our Beautiful Bathrooms and make it the last day this Bathroom Gremlin lives his/her life.

If everyone cleans up after themselves when they are done the bathrooms will stay neat and tidy.
So everyone play their part so the other members of the gym don’t have to deal with a mess from the last person.
Thanks for your patience and understanding


Back Squat
5 x 9


20 on / 10 off  4 minutes each exercise 1 Min rest between exercises
Battle Ropes
Double Kettlebell Deadlift @55/35
Push Ups
Row For Calories


Crossfit Syosset/ Friday, October 27th Read More »

Crossfit Syosset/ Thursday, October 26th

The Sweatshirt order is placed and being aggressively worked on to full completion.
I will alert everyone once we are almost at full engagement.
If you have any questions regarding the Pieces you ordered pls call customer service at 1800-I have no idea what’s going on and I will be able to probably not answer any questions
Anyway he is working really hard to get them done quickly


1 Minute on 30 seconds off
Stone Throws
Bike For Calories
Dumbbell Push Press @35/20
Hang Power Clean @115/75
Bench Press @115/75
GHD Sit ups or Crunches or some kind of Ab Exercise

Crossfit Syosset/ Thursday, October 26th Read More »

Crossfit Syosset/ Wednesday, October 25th

Alright!  Back by unpopular demand will be the CHALK!
I have purchased two Gymnastics Chalk Bowls that look exactly like this:

Beautiful isn’t it!  Expensive too so let’s try and treat these bodacious beauty’s as if…

I’ll be making an instructional video on how to correctly apply the chalk to your hands from this nifty little Pup!
During this instructional video you will learn not only the quick and efficient application of chalk onto the human hand but you will also learn a couple of simple tips on keeping things clean and sanitary, something that some of us seem to have not paid attention during class that day… In Kindergarten.

Due to the 2017 Return of the Chalk and it’s Fine Plastics Friend, “The Chalk Bowler”
This Brilliant tool, and I call it a tool due to the assistance you get from the chalk for your workouts.  Hence the “Tool”.

Although this Dream (I call it a dream because I had to pinch myself when I saw it’s picture) seems like a very simple way to make your Michael Jackson Hands, It isn’t.  For some reason that is definitely unknown and foreign to myself  something this simple will inevitably be very difficult to make happen.
Let’s start by first saying:
a.  The Chalk belongs in two places, either in the bucket or on your hands.  Let’s talk about where the chalk doesn’t belong
The chalk doesn’t belong
1.  On the Floor!
2.  On the Bar (other than that that was put there by nothing other than, YOUR HANDS
3.  On the Rig, or shall I say All Over the Rig!
4.  Caked on the bars for the next person to hold your nasty (as nasty as you may think you aren’t) chalk marks
5.  All over the Bathrooms  (this is kinda common sense, which I don’t mean to be to Cliche’e but Common sense isn’t too common
6.  All over the couches where people sit and relax, in a pool of caked up Chalk
7.  And finally Bricks of chalk belong in the Bowls, NOT and when I say NOT I Mean “they do not belong” anywhere other than in the Bowl

Let’s see if we can really make this happen and Keep the chalk in the bucket, apply it like ladies and gentlemen.

Thank you for you patience and tenacity


Back Squat
6 x 6 @70-75%
2 Min Intervals


12 Min Amrap
3    Thruster @185/135
6    C2B Pull up
9    Push Up
12  Kettlebell Sumo Deadlift High Pull @70/45

Crossfit Syosset/ Wednesday, October 25th Read More »

Crossfit Syosset/ Tuesday, October 24th


Swings Heavy As possible for 10 reps each set
Each Rep being able to apply 100% power
10 x 10
If you can’t keep the power level for each rep up do lighter weight
Each rep should be squeezing your core, Glutes and Quads as tight as possible
Doing these correct will help your Squat so do them correct.

90 second intervals


15 Min Amrap
15 Burpee
30 Double Unders

Crossfit Syosset/ Tuesday, October 24th Read More »

Crossfit Syosset/ Monday, October 23rd

To try and build up our Squat weight, Cardio, Ass Shape, Leg Strength, Quad Symmetry, and Total overall Muscle development we’ll be starting a Squatting program today.
We’ll be Squatting 3 days a week, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.  Starting with a Heavy day rep scheme 2-4, Medium range day rep scheme 5-8 and Light day rep scheme 9-12.
Try and make it these three days if you come three days a week.


Back Squat
7 x 2
90 second intervals


4 Rds
Row 500
Run 400

Crossfit Syosset/ Monday, October 23rd Read More »

Crossfit Syosset/ Thursday, October 19th

If you guys are looking for meals to order for eating well or just to have something to eat you have to order from Ivan.
Some of you know Ivan from training with him then there’s some of you that don’t know who the hell Ivan is.
Let me tell you, Ivan is the owner of Suburban Eats and has ventured off into a meals to go business.
These fucking Meals are incredible.  I’ve only had 5 different ones but I’m telling ya they were all awesome!
Even the ones that I waited a week to eat where still so tender when I had them.
Seriously, the meals where outrageous.  If you have had the food at Suburban eats you know what I am talking about, if you are looking for meals so you don’t have to prepare go to


5 Rounds

Run 400
10 Deadlifts @275/180
20 Wall Balls @20/14
30 Box Jumps @24/20
40 Crunches

Crossfit Syosset/ Thursday, October 19th Read More »

Crossfit Syosset/ Wednesday, October 18th

I’ll be ordering the Sweatshirts This weekend.  If you haven’t changed your color to one we actually have I would do that before Friday comes.
All the colors and styles are in the email I sent out a couple days ago.  Please make sure you order what we have to offer.
Hopefully If I get the order in by this weekend we should have them in a couple of weeks.
By the way the weather is going it should be cold enough to wear them by February.
Remember, write down the style, color and size.



Back  Squat


Run 800
30 Clean and Jerk @135/95
20 Pull Ups (Chest to Bar)
10 Burpee Box Jumps @30/24
Run 800

Crossfit Syosset/ Wednesday, October 18th Read More »

Crossfit Syosset/ Monday, October 16th

I saw there was a shitload of sweatshirts that were ordered.   Unfortunately some of those colors aren’t available, hehe.
Here are the colors and types of sweatshirts that are available, if you made a request for one that we do not have available please change it on the sheet.
DON’T just crossfit out the color and add another and crossout this and add that.  Then the sheet becomes a mess.
So if you have to change your order just erase the whole order or crossout the whole order and add another order on the bottom of the list.
Thank you

Here you go

Sport-Tek® Full-Zip Hooded Sweatshirt

Brand Logo

Adult Sizes: XS-4XL

A three-panel hood and updated fit make this your go-to favorite.

  • 9-ounce, 65/35 ring spun combed cotton/poly fleece
  • Twill-taped neck
  • Dyed-to-match drawcords
  • 2×2 rib knit cuffs and hem with spandex
  • Front pouch pockets

Click Below to Change the Colors


Sport-Tek® Super Heavyweight Pullover Hooded Sweatshirt

Brand Logo

Adult Sizes: XS-4XL

On or off the field, it’s the most warmth you can get out of a sweatshirt. Weighing in at a hefty 12 ounces, our super heavyweight fleece is constructed for durability and comfort.

  • 12-ounce, cross-grain 80/20 ring spun combed cotton/poly fleece
  • Twill-taped neck
  • Self-fabric hood lining
  • Dyed-to-match drawcords
  • 2×2 rib knit cuffs, hem and side gussets with spandex
  • Front pouch pocket

Click Below to Change the Colors


The top are the zip colors and the bottom are the hoodie colors, be sure to make the right choice when picking the color.
the sizes are all mens, most women are size x-small or small.
I believe the price is around $50, he’s gonna let me know this week and by the end of the week I’ll order them.

Complete as Heavy as Possible One Snatch Complex Every 90 seconds for 5 Complex Total:
Complex consists of:
1 Snatch Grip Deadlift
1 Hang Power Snatch Just Below the knee
2 Overhead Squat
1 Snatch Balance
(The first person that says to me “We use two bars right?   Cause I can deadlift more than the rest of the movements)
I’m gonna have a Heart attack.


1 Min Amrap:  GHD Sit ups (if you cannot perform this movement with your knees locked at the top and using your hip flexors to whip yourself up, Don’t do them)

Rest 30 Seonds

1 Min Heavy Double Swings @55/35

Rest 30 Seconds

1 Min Evil Wheel

Rest 30 Seconds

1 Min Reverse Glute Raises

Rest 30 Seconds

1 Min Toes To Bar Strict

Rest 30 Seconds

1 Min Plank

Repeat twice…

Crossfit Syosset/ Monday, October 16th Read More »

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