Daily WOD

Crossfit Syosset/ Thursday, July 6th: high of 76 degrees/ passing shower

I have a thought on eating well which may or may not help you to succeed.
I think one of the main reasons people have a hard time with dieting is because they start something that is not attainable throughout your life.
For instance, these diets that have you drinking 4 shakes a day and maybe one 300 calorie meal
are useless right?   You are not going to be able to keep drinking 4 shakes a day for the rest of your life right!
Here’s what you do before you try and eat well,  think of something that you will be able to keep doing once you reach your goal weight, if you have one.
If not then just come up with something that you can keep doing for the rest of your life!
Going on some crazy nonsense diet that includes no food whatsoever and maybe a shot in your belly is ridiculous.
You have to eat to live so it would be smart to start a diet that has food in it cause if you don’t once you start eating food again you’re gonna blow up like a Macy’s Balloon!
Be smart!

Choose a plan that involves real food and has a lot of it in it!
Don’t starve yourself or again you’ll blow up like a balloon.

Stop being part of the uneducated public that these companies make money on by promising a huge weight loss with some crazy scheme they market too you.


Power Snatch
7 x 1
1 Rep every 60 seconds


Filthy Fifty
perform 50 Reps of Each Exercise
For time:
50 Box jump, 24/20 inch box
50 Jumping pull-ups
50 Kettlebell swings 55/35
Walking Lunge, 50 steps
50 Knees to elbows
50 Push press, 45/35
50 Back extensions
50 Wall ball shots, 20/14
50 Burpees
50 Double unders

Crossfit Syosset/ Thursday, July 6th: high of 76 degrees/ passing shower Read More »

Crossfit Syosset/ Wednesday, July 5th: 82 Degrees and Awesome!!


20 Rep Back Squat
Add 5 lbs
By now you should all Be Struggling Your ass off to get these 2o Reps.
By now the first ten should be doable and the last ten should be Torture, but if the whole thing was easy it probably wouldn’t be worth doing right?
This is when it counts the most, you really have to force yourself to get the 20 reps.  Don’t stop because you THINK you can’t do anymore.  That’s horse manuer!  You can get this weight and you will get this weight.
That’s why you do this because you’re trying to do things you never thought you could do, so buckle up and get ready for Blast off!


15 Min Amrap
30 Double Unders
20 Swings
10 Box Jumps 30/24

Crossfit Syosset/ Wednesday, July 5th: 82 Degrees and Awesome!! Read More »

Crossfit Syosset/ Tuesday, July 4th 83 Degrees and Sunny as Fuck Again!

4th of July Holiday Hours :
8 am and 9am classes , and 10am Open Gym

35 Minute Partner Amrap
Alternate Between:
Run 400
5   Pull up
10 Push Up
15 Air Squat
Try to forget about how many rounds you get and try and focus on doing the movements Absolutely perfect!
Every rep Full Range of Motion!
I can Guarantee you that you will feel much more sore with full range

Crossfit Syosset/ Tuesday, July 4th 83 Degrees and Sunny as Fuck Again! Read More »

Crossfit Syosset/ Monday, July 3rd 88 Degrees and Sunny As Fuck! Sunburn Effect 10!


20 Rep Squat
Add 5 lb From Friday or the last time you did it.
Try and make it in today even if it’s just to do your squats


Partner Workout
One partner Runs a 400
The other completes as many reps of the Bear Complex as he/she can within the time it takes to run the 400
The workout lasts 35 minutes
Try to get as many complexes in 35 minutes
Bear Complex
a.  Deadlift
b.  Power Clean
c.  Front Squat
d.  Push Press
e.  Back Squat
f.   Behind the neck Thruster

Crossfit Syosset/ Monday, July 3rd 88 Degrees and Sunny As Fuck! Sunburn Effect 10! Read More »

Crossfit Syosset/ Thursday, June 29th 81 Degrees and Beautiful again!

I know I have not made mention of the 4th Of July party this year but remember it’s only June 29th!
In true Chris Fashion we’ll be having the 4th party somewhere around the middle to end of July, would you expect anything less?
Don’t worry, we’re having it i’ll keep you posted as to when.  At least you won’t have another 4th of July party to go to.


Clean complex
1 Power Clean
1 Hang Clean Pull
1 Hang Power Clean
Complete 1 Complex without putting down the bar every 90 seconds for a total of 7 Complexs’

This means you are going to be doing 7 Complexs’ total.
Every 90 seconds you will be doing 1
So that means this will take you 10 and a half minute to complete


4 Rounds
Row 500
25 Burpees

Crossfit Syosset/ Thursday, June 29th 81 Degrees and Beautiful again! Read More »

Crossfit Syosset/ Wednesday, June 28th 79 and Sunny!

I’ve said over and over again that I used to think that the best part about the gym was the workouts and how they get you into amazing shape, but over the years I have realized that the workout is secondary to the people that make up the gym.
The most amazing part about this Gym is the people inside it.
The support, camaraderie and motivation that you lend each other is incredible.   I never have any worry of someone new not getting treated right from the start.
You know its the right place when so many different groups of people have become such good friends over time.
I hear a lot about how so many people travel to other gyms and they say it’s not the same as here,  it’s not warm and friendly like we are and just doesn’t have a comfortable feel.

This is possible because of all the wonderful people we have in our community.  I’ve never seen so many people help out each other in so many different ways, whether it be helping with training, help with nutrition, or even help with their own businesses.
Janine, Rich and Laurie are some of the new wonderful people that help make this place great.
Plus Janine and Rich celebrated there Anniversary by working out this morning at 5:30am.  They coulda stayed home and eaten a shitty breakfast but that’s too easy.


20 Rep Back Squat
Add 5 lbs from Monday or last time you did it.


4 Rounds ForTime

Run 400
50 Sit ups
50 Back Extension

Crossfit Syosset/ Wednesday, June 28th 79 and Sunny! Read More »

Crossfit Syosset/ Monday, June 26th

What  a Beautiful day Sunday was wasn’t it?
Do you cherish days like that being that where we live these days it seems it’s either raining, snowing or 100 degrees and humid?
It’s important to cherish everyday, not just the days like Sunday.  My mother works in the cancer unit as a nurse and the stories I here about these people whether they be kids or elderly still sad stories.
The amazing thing is she says the people with the highest success rate are those that laugh a lot and have great attitudes
Not that you can blame there for having a shitty attitude but the ones that try to keep positive have much better results than those with the opposite attitude.
This seems to be the same with every aspect of life, people who keep a great attitude throughout their lives seem to enjoy life and attract that attitude much more than that of people that have let’s say a different mental attitude.

It’s important, really important that your mind stay in a state of happiness and positivity in order for it to carry through to the rest of your body.
If it doesn’t start up there nothing is going to change that.
Everything starts up there, even eating well.  You can try all the dieting you want and all the different gyms you want but until you make a decision up there and stay with that decision you’ll be chasing your tail your whole life.

Anyways if you’re reading this now enjoy your Sunday if you’re reading this tomorrow then I hope you enjoyed your Sunday.


20 Rep Back Squat
Add 5 lb from last time you completed the 20 reps


17 Min Amrap

Run 400
7   Muscle ups
14 Deadlifts @55%
21 Calorie Bike
28 Double Unders

Crossfit Syosset/ Monday, June 26th Read More »

Crossfit Syosset/ Thursday, June 22nd Should be a beautiful 80 Degree and sunny day!

I’m curious about something.   Do you guys ever come to a screeching halt in your training and ask yourself” am I doing something wrong?”  Why am I not looking the way i want to look?
Or anything to that effect?
Why do I ask?
Well, I would imagine that if you’re not getting the results you want you would start to wonder why right?
So, if this happens let me help you out with the answer.

You’re all training well, cause if it wasn’t I would let you know that you are either training like a lazy ass and need to step it up a little bit or you just don’t really care about your training and that’s not the case with anyone.
So with that in mind, here’s the reason you don’t look like you want to (if this is the case).
It’s your diet!
I’m gonna say for the umpteenth time there is no exercise that gets rid of your gut!
The only thing that gets rid of your gut is proper eating, and even that takes time.  Because you are eating well for a month does not mean that you will be ripped in a month.

It takes time and dedication to get where we all want to be, looking at the scale everyday won’t help that will just drive you nuts.
Here’s the key to looking awesome:
1.  Get on a good eating program and make it a lifestyle
2.  Stay on that good eating program without cheating or falling off
3.  Don’t look back, just make a plan and stick with it until 6 months down the road when you look amazing then you can weigh yourself if you want.
That’s it!

It’s nothing else than what I just said right there.

You can’t out train a bad diet so forget that.


Bench Press
Perform 4 Drop sets lowering the weight 3 times each set.
For example
Start at 225 lb till failure then immediately drop the weight to 165 till failure then finally drop the weight till 135 till failure and rest and repeat 3 more times.
Have your spotter change the weight for you.

Here’s a little hint on Spotting the Bench Press.
A.  If you touch the Bar on the way up, despite what you say He did not get the rep.  Just cause you touch it with your finger tips still means he did not get the weight.
B.  Don’t spot with your finger tips, if that bar drops it’s gonna drop fast so when you spot you brace yourself and hold it with your hands.  Putting your fingertips out yelling at him doesn’t mean Good Rep.


5 Rounds
20/15 Cal Bike
20 Burpee Box Jumps  24/20
10 Stone Lifts

Crossfit Syosset/ Thursday, June 22nd Should be a beautiful 80 Degree and sunny day! Read More »

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