Daily WOD

Crossfit Syosset/ Friday, January 6th

This is intensity!
Alex could barely breathe after the wod, this is what we’re looking for.

Actually Alex just found out Dunkin Donuts suspended the production of the Toasted Coconut Glazed Donut for a while.

Here’s an email from Joe At Kettlebell Kitchen, I believe they are offering a discount for new members.

“We are excited to announce our new partnership with Kettlebell Kitchen- a performance food brand”
Meals crafted by classically trained chefs, Kettlebell Kitchen is an easy & convenient way to clean up your nutrition, recover faster, work harder, and have fresh meals delivered right to the gym.
Fuel the hardest working machine you know- your body!

The order cutoffs are:
• Wednesday evening by midnight for Monday delivery • Saturday evening by midnight for Thursday delivery

The complete menu, along with ingredient lists and nutrition facts can be found here:

Ordering instructions and FAQs can be found here:

A few items to note:

Members who have not yet tried KBK will receive a $25 credit towards meals. Simply go to www.kettlebellkitchen.com, create an account and select Crossfit Syosset for the pick up location.
Once that is done, email Joe LoPresti – JoeL@kettlebellkitchen.com and he will add $25 credit as incentive to try some meals.

Joseph LoPresti

Barbell Bent Row
3 x 5

Bench Press

12 Min Amrap
30 Double Unders
15 Power Snatch @95/65

Crossfit Syosset/ Friday, January 6th Read More »

Crossfit Syosset/ Thursday, January 5th

This post is in regards to your training.
First we are after INTENSITY!  The higher the intensity the better results You’re going to get.  Once your decrease the intensity (like these other bootcamp 90 minute workouts out there ) you decrease the likelihood of getting good results.
One variable we use to increase intensity is speed, the speed of the workout (how fast you do it) is really important.
Which brings me to why I bring this topic up.

There are too many people focusing on lifting too much weight or doing body weight movements with no assistance which ends up slowing them down to the point of rest.
We don’t want to rest unless we are purposely performing an interval workout.

Here’s an example, you know how I love to bring them up.   Lou in the 11:30 class ( who is an awesome dude, this guy is 60 years old with no body fat and who works his ass off every time he walks through the door, did I mention he is 60 years old) was going to workout on Tuesday with no band for his pull ups.  I asked Lou to try using a strong band to help him get all 21 pull ups in a row for his first set and to rush through the burpees and dips as fast as he can, with full range of motion of course.

Well, Lou followed my advise and used a strong band and was able to blaze through the workout stopping very infrequently.
At the end Lou looked like he was going to die.  He sat down and turned a different color, when I asked him if he was ok he just nodded in every direction.
Once he was coherent again I asked him if he felt the difference and he responded.  Yes!  Holy shit yes!

This is what you are looking for, running through the workout as fast as you can using weight or assistance that will help you do that is a must.  I guarantee you you will feel a total difference and it will bring a new dimension to your training .

Try it!

5 Minute Plank

Front Squat
80%     x 2
86%     x 1
92.5%  x 4+

Thruster @135/95
C2B Pull ups

Crossfit Syosset/ Thursday, January 5th Read More »

Crossfit Syosset/ Wednesday, January 4th

I don’t understand something, most of everyone in the gym has a goal of mainly looking awesome yes?
With the few that actually do this just for their health this also applies to you but the thing I don’t get is that the issue most of us have with looking awesome isn’t the training it’s the eating right?  Yes, right.

So if eating is the issue and actually preparing it is even more the issue why aren’t there Kettlebell Kitchen bags overflowing from there fridge?
You have the opportunity to take control of your eating with ease,  order yourself meals for everyday of the week and wala!
NO preparing, NO mess, NO time, NO worries, NO Crap Food, NO failing.  Just order it, pick it up and eat it!

This will make all the difference in the world, there is no excuse.  Everyone says to me “I need a personal chef”  Well, here you go!
It’s your personal chef at your service!
C’mon man this will change your life and it’s so easy.
NO more EXCUSES.  Just order the food and start to make the change you are dying for.
If I don’t see bags in the fridge I will assume everyone is happy with the way they look and won’t ask me about nutrition anymore.

If you think I’m promoting this food for money you’re dead wrong.  If that was the case I wouldn’t have given away $3,100 in prize money only to have 10 people join the contest.
That’s another issue I have Everyone asks me to do a fat loss contest but then when we do one no one enters.
Is it me?  I mean I know I’m a little off my rocker but I don’t think it’s all me.

C’mon man show a little concern and start eating right and taking your training seriously.
Even the training, people want a lifting Program so we start one and I would say 6 out of 10 people I ask don’t even know there on rep max and haven’t been doing the program correctly because of it.

This is serious to me, I try everything to get you guys engaged and to reach your goals.  Ask Walter how much I cared that he was to reach his goals.
I give a Fuck, if you don’t just tell me.
Now let’s go, get your mind right and start to focus on achieving all your fitness goals.  Don’t just come in and train somewhat hard and eat somewhat good and then just settle.  Make a change in your life and stick to it because if you don’t nothing will change and you will still feel the same way you do now.
Like I said, 3 months is going to be here no matter what you do so you might as well do something in those 3 months to make a change in your body.


Swings 10 x 1o (as heavy as you can handle)  No rep shall be done at other than 100%
Rest 30 seconds between sets


80%      x 2
86%      x 1
92.5%   x 4+


Kettlebell Snatch @55/35  Alternating Arms 25 ea., 20 ea., 15 ea., 10 ea., 5 ea.
GHD Sit ups :  Sub for GHD is Toes To Bar or Knees to Elbows or AB Mat Sit ups or AB Wheel

Crossfit Syosset/ Wednesday, January 4th Read More »

Crossfit Syosset/ Tuesday, January 3rd

So the holiday’s are over with time to get back to work!
Instead of being unhappy with the way you ate over the Holiday time how about you just say that is in the past I am not going to look back at what I did I am only going to look forward and focus on what I am going to do in the near future.
I know, the shit I say is not the easiest thing to do.  I agree, as a matter of fact someone even said to me “even you don’t do that shit you say”!

I know, I find it hard also but I figure the more I think about it the better chance I have of it happening.
He was talking about letting shit go, the shit people do I find hard to let go even though me harping on it is only effecting myself and not them I still find it hard to let go.
But like I said the more I mention it the better chance of it happening.
So don’t get discouraged if it doesn’t happen right away, give it some time and keep trying.

Hollow Rock
V Up
3 Min Plank

Back Squat
80%     x 2
86%     x 1
92.5%  x 4+

Pull up

Crossfit Syosset/ Tuesday, January 3rd Read More »

Crossfit Syosset/ Monday, January 2

Today’s Hours :
8, 9 and 10am classes

I Hope Everyone had an Awesome New Years!!!!
I hope you all made Goals for this upcoming year and are actually going to try your hardest to achieve them.

Goals, that word brings me to this story.
I’m not sure you all know Walter, he comes to the 11:30 class so many of you may not know who he is.  Regardless, here is the story.  Last year Walter was given a Birthday present, this Present happen to be a Plaque with all of Walters PR’s on weight and on Workouts.   Walter has always been a Goal Driven person which is why he received this plaque for his Birthday.
This plaque that held all of Walter’s current at the time PR’s became the reason he completed all his Goals that were set for this past year.
Walter made it his goal to beat all the times and PR’s on that plaque and he did!
The point of this story is that it’s really cool not only to make goals and to force yourself to achieve them but also to have that plaque!
Go get yourself one of these plaques and make it your mission to PR whatever you put on this plaque, times, Weight, calories etc…
Whatever it is you do it.
Having the plaque to remind you everyday that you need to do this is an awesome idea so make sure you go get one.

Teams of 3
One person Rows
Two people complete 20 Reps of “The Bear Complex” @95/65
The Bear Complex is:
Squat Clean
Back Squat
Push Press From Behind the Neck
While the two members of the team are completing the Bear the other one rows until the two members complete 15 Reps Each.
Once they complete 15 Reps each the person rowing takes one of the spots of the two members lifting.
The one members stays with the bear and completes another 15 with the new partner while he/she does 15 also.   The one who was doing the bear switches to rowing until the new people do 15 then they switch again this time the person who just did 30 reps now rows and so on and so forth till the team of 3 completes 180 Reps total.

Also To kick off the New Year right we are starting another “Burpee Challenge”  I know how you all love this, I can tell by the number of people that are left on day 100.  I think last time that number was 2, yea the number 2 I believe was the magic number.
let’s change that this year!

Crossfit Syosset/ Monday, January 2 Read More »

Crossfit Syosset/ Saturday, December 31st

With a Partner perform in sets of 10 until each person reaches 100 reps:
Hang Power Clean @95/65
This is 200 Reps total.

Rest 2 min

Push Ups Perform the same way, 10 each until each person hits 100 reps, 200 total.

Rest 2 min

Sit ups Perform the same way, 10 each until each person reaches 200 reps  each, 400 total

Rest 2 min

Perform Wall Balls in the same manner, 15 each until 150 each are performed, 300 total reps.

Happy New Year Mother Fuckers!!!!!

Crossfit Syosset/ Saturday, December 31st Read More »

Crossfit Syosset/ Friday, December 30th

Weekend Schedule:
Saturday the 31st:  8, 9 and 10am classes
Sunday the 1st:  10am class
Monday the 2nd:  8, 9 and 10am classes

Have a Great Fucking New Year!!!!

Make some Bad Ass Resolutions and stick to them not like 90% of the world that forgets them in a week!

This is important, if you do not know your maxes for the Back, Front Squat, Deadlift and Bench Press Find them this week coming up.  This is the last week of the program then we start again the week after this one coming up.
So if you don’t know them find them so you can start the program fresh.
If you have been doing the program just readjust your maxes for the next cycle.


Hollow Rock
3 Min plank


Bench Press

Row 1000
50 Thrusters @45/35
30 Pull ups
One Round For Time

Crossfit Syosset/ Friday, December 30th Read More »

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